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突發!美港牧師Bob Kraft在西環被屈用無效證被捕!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Breaking! US Hong Kong Pastor Bob Kraft Arrested for Using Invalid ID! 美國牧師在港被捕!By Chapman Chen
美國旗勇士心聲 What a Hong Kong Protester with a USA Flag Thinks. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美國獨立宣言與當今香港US Declaration of Independence & Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Activists Dare China to Send in PLA. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
特朗普總統暗示要世貿對付中國!Pres Trump Wants to Stop "China" Cheating WTO. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美國海軍上校聯署信請特朗普嚴打中共 US Capt. James Fanell's Open Letter Backing Trump to Beat PRC. By 曾焯文Chapman Chen
美參議員盧比奧譴責中共策動元朗西鐵恐襲US Sen. Marco Rubio Condemns China for Staging Yuen Long Rampage. By Chapman Chen
真香港憲法的幾點建議 On a True Hong Kong Constitution. By 曾焯文Chapman Chen
A Hong Kong Constitution by Hongkongers, for Hongkongers & of Hongkongers. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
FBI 主管Amy Hess話中國為稱霸不惜做賊. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美國政論家Anders Corr提出五大戰略,有助美國擊敗中國,包括支持台港獨立 曾焯文Chapman Chen報導
Confessions of a Frontline Occupier of Hong Kong Legco. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
連儂牆的膠化跡像。曾焯文Chapman Chen短評
被藍絲打完右邊面,要畀埋左邊面佢打?Turn the Other Cheek to Pro-CCP Thugs? By 曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美港牧師Bob Kraft:任人打都不自衛,直頭戇瞿(戇居)! 曾焯文Chapman Chen報導
17-yr-old Boy Petitioning to US & UK Consulates for Penalizing Pro-CCP HK Trade Union.By ChapmanChen
Washington Univ. Ph.D. Student-Occupier of HK Legco on Hong Kong Nationalism.By Chapman Chen,HKBNews
美國憲法第一第二修正案與香港 文:曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
First & Second Amendments as Founding Spirit of USA. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews