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Follow the Vegan Christ 跟隨純素耶穌. By Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)
The Eucharist is like Ritual Cannibalism but Christ is Vegan!Prof. James Tabor. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen
Albert Schweitzer's Reverence for Animal Life. By Dr. Chapman Chen
John Calvin the Anti-Vegan Hypocrite. By Dr. Chapman Chen
How Karl Barth Sanctifies and Sugarcoats Animal Abuse. By Dr. Chapman Chen
On Aquinas' Anti-Vegan Take on Animal Rights. By Dr. Chapman Chen
Saint Augustine the Anti-Vegan on "Thou Shalt not Kill". By Dr. Chapman Chen
Martin Luther Insists that the Mouse is a Divine Creature. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen
A Litmus Test of People's Heart. By Pastor Timo
God Never Permitted Noah's Clan to Kill and Eat Animals. Go Vegan!By Dr. Chapman Chen
You cannot Serve both the Compassionate God and the Bloodthirsty Satan. By Dr. Chapman Chen
Animals and Humans have the Same Ontological Status before God. By Saint Basil. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen
Fear Meat-Eating Gluttony!By Saint Basil of Caesarea. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen
Why was Cain's VEGAN Offering Rejected by God? By Dr. Chapman Chen
Follow Jesus' Lead and Give to the Animals rather than Take from Them! By Dr. Chapman Chen
純素基督徒宣言(A Vegan Christian's Declaration)。曾焯文(Dr. Chapman Chen)
Tasting Dead Flesh Displeases God! By Saint Peter. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen
A Vegan Christian's Declaration. By Dr. Chapman Chen
If Christianity has a Future, it must be VEGAN! By Dr. Chapman Chen
Pythagoras and Jesus Advocating Veganism. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen