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勇武前線三巴仙 The Three Percent in 1775 By曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
VP Mike Pence Pls Note that a Revolution, NOT a Protest, is going on in Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen
美國獨立革命軍如何無槍起義?How did the Patriot Forces Get Armaments for American Revolution? By Chapman Chen
Hong Kong Revolution Group (Team V) Claims Responsibility for Molotov Cocktail Attacks
緊急法成就時代革命. By 曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Emergency Regulations Ordinance will Backfire 緊急法成就時代革命. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美國獨立革命、香港時代革命皆因反引渡惡法!By Chapman Chen曾焯文, HKBNews
Extradition Law Triggered both American Revolution & Hong Kong Time Revolution!美國獨立革命、香港時代革命皆因反引渡惡法!
Is "Glory to Hong Kong" Blasphemous? 願榮光歸香港褻瀆神明?By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
香港時代革命 何止示威 Hong Kong Time Revolution. By曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
"Hong Kong Time Revolution香港時代革命" Goes beyond Protests. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
曾焯文:美國獨立宣言與今日香江 Chapman Chen: US Declaration of Independence and Contemp. HK -- HKBNews
A New Hong Kong Chinese Translation of US Declaration of Independence by Chapman Chen, HKBNews
波蘭電視訪問美港牧師Bob Kraft,撐港人反共(曾焯文Chapman Chen報導)
Poland TV Interviews US-HK Pastor Bob Kraft & Supports HK against Communist China.By Chapman Chen