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Scientific Proofs that Wuhan Coronavirus is China's Bioweapon科學鐵證:武漢病毒=中國生化武器By Chapman Chen,HKBNews
十四億人四月尾勢將感染武漢新型冠狀病毒!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
"Fear is the greatest epidemic 恐懼才是最大的疫症" -- Hong Kong Herbalist Dr. Vincent Lee. By Chapman Chen
"What right does a doctor who doesn't know how to cure u have to detain u?" -- Dr. Vincent Lee
蘋果少理特朗普警告,媚共出賣義士!Despite Pres Trump's Warnings, Apple Betrays Chinese Dissidents. By Chapman Chen
上帝用大瘟疫擊殺殖民地主 By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Wuhan Coronavirus Patients to be Forced to Take Avascular-Necrosis(AVN)-genic Corticosteriods!
Frontline Dr.: Wuhan Coronavirus Cases Pass 90000 - 1 Patient can Infect 14 Others! By Chapman Chen
美國撐總統被補;香港反林鄭遭殃 By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
US InfoWars Anchor Shroyer Arrested for Supporting Trump; HKers Arrested for Protesting Carrie Lam.
Outlook for 2020: Wuhan-Coronavirus-caused Fall of China, Financial Tsunami & Bitcoin Soar
Wuhan Coronavirus=Bat SARS-like Coronavirus=Biological Warfare Launched by China acc. NCBI, USA?
Wuhan Virus=Bat SARS-like Coronavirus Created by China to Wipe out Hongkongers as shown by NCBI,USA?
Beautiful Hong Kong Dissident Girl Pepper-Sprayed & Besieged by Police. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
中國迫害萬千基督徒;西方不知投共香江牧 By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Did Pro-HongKong-Activists British Couple in Underwear Leap to Death in HK or were they Murdered?
Pro-CCP Hong Kong Pastor So Wing-yui Twists Separation of Church and State. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
港粵文言單字詞 By 曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
武漢病毒係種族滅絕港人的生物武器,定擊殺中國的良方? By Chapman Chen曾焯文 HKBNews
Is Deadly Wuhan Virus a Tool to Exterminate Hongkongers or a Scheme to End China? By Chapman Chen