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美國獨立革命軍如何無槍起義?How did the Patriot Forces Get Armaments for American Revolution? By Chapman Chen
Hong Kong Revolution Group (Team V) Claims Responsibility for Molotov Cocktail Attacks
Hong Kong Fits Gregory Stanton's 10-Stage-Genocide Model. 香港種族滅絕十級跳 By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
特朗普總統讚香港抗爭者親美標語勁正,精神偉大!Pres Donald Trump Praises Hong Kong Protesters for Pro-USA Signs & Spirit
香港民憲草案的普通法及直接民主 On Draft Civil Charter of Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
" President Donald Trump" Bashed Unconscious by Hong Kong Police! 香港特朗普被克警打殘!By Chapman Chen,HKBNews
Hong Kong Police Rush into Chinese Methodist Church & Arrest Praying Youngster! By Chapman Chen
美國獨立革命、香港時代革命皆因反引渡惡法!By Chapman Chen曾焯文, HKBNews
Extradition Law Triggered both American Revolution & Hong Kong Time Revolution!美國獨立革命、香港時代革命皆因反引渡惡法!
Trump & Light for Hong Kong遠處榮光號角聲. Trans. Chapman Chen
Hong Kong Police Spray Pepper into Young Protester's Wounds! 香港警察在義士傷口噴胡椒!By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Ed. Bureau Aims at Withering HK Cantonese;Send your Objection NOW! By Chapman Chen,HKBNews
Classy Japan-model Suzuko Hirano Upgrading her Gear for Oct 1 National Day of China. By Chapman Chen
美國記者新書芬太尼撐美中鴉片戰爭?Ben Westhoff's New Book Justifies US Opium War. By Chapman Chen
Is "Glory to Hong Kong" Blasphemous? 願榮光歸香港褻瀆神明?By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
The Horror of Auschwitz in Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
31 Hong Kong Protesters Held in Concentration Camp All Got Bone Fracture. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act Castrated by HK Pan-Democrats? 泛民閹割香港人權民主法案?By Chapman Chen
From Communist China to Nazi China: A Hong Kong Perspective. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
香港少年劉康出書抗暴17-yr-old Laus's New Book as Resistance against China。曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews, reports