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花旗飄飄:美國國歌新譯A New Chinese Translation of The Star-Spangled Banner. By Chapman Chen, HKNews
Hong Kong Appledaily Reports Trump & Israel "Politically Suppressing" Omar & Tlaib. By Chapman Chen
Hong Kong Pop Singer Denise Ho Condemns AND Begs Pres Donald Trump. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
機場處置匪諜,合國際戰爭法!Tis in Line w/ International Law of War to Punish HK Airport Spies. By Chapman Chen
China to Collapse & Hong Kong to Revive this Year. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Baggio Leung: Moles to be Deterred! 梁頌恒話無間道須付代價By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
網媒記者執彈殼被捕;香港新聞自由何在?Hong Kong Online Journalist Deprived of Press Freedom. By Chapman Chen曾焯文
Hong Kong Police Deprive Online Reporter of Press Freedom. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Hong Kong Separatist Leader Wayne Chan & his Family Receive Death Threat! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
今年中國崩潰 香港重光 China to Perish & Hong Kong to Revive this Year. By 曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
做應做的事;且忘主流民意 Forget about Mainstream Opinion; Just Do what's Right! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
香港時代革命 何止示威 Hong Kong Time Revolution. By曾焯文Chapman Chen, HKBNews
逆權律師:如法庭受衝擊,應譴責政府!Frontline HK Lawyer: Should the Court be Stormed, Condemn Govt! By Chapman Chen
美國獨立宣言與當今香港US Declaration of Independence & Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
China State Council Blames the West for Messing w/ Hong Kong "Violent" Anti-Extradition Law Protests
特朗普總統暗示要世貿對付中國!Pres Trump Wants to Stop "China" Cheating WTO. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
US Pastor Bob Kraft Offers Help to Hong Kong Protesters Seized with PTSD. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
美參議員盧比奧譴責中共策動元朗西鐵恐襲US Sen. Marco Rubio Condemns China for Staging Yuen Long Rampage. By Chapman Chen
A Kristallnacht in Hong Kong. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews
Chapman Chen's Interview with Idź Pod Prąd TV on Communism as Poland's & Hong Kong's Common Enemy