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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

7 Billion Infant Chicks are Murdered Annually and God will Avenge Them! By Dr. Chapman Chen 


According to Rebecca Rutt (2024), a researcher at the University of Copenhagen, the global egg industry kills approximately 7 billion day-old male chicks annually because they do not lay eggs and are not suitable for meat production. God will hold those who kill these innocent infants or pay someone to kill them responsible for the holocaust. “You must not shed innocent blood on your land that the LORD your God is about to give you as an inheritance. Otherwise, you'll be guilty of murder" warns God (Deuteronomy 19:10 ISV). “Thou shalt not kill!” commands the Lord (Exodus 20:13 KJV). “Vengeance is mine; I will repay,” Yahuah assures the victims (Deuteronomy 32:35 BSB).  


In the egg industry, male chicks are typically culled shortly after hatching. The most common methods used to kill male chicks include:


1. Maceration: Chicks are placed into a high-speed grinder.

2. Gassing: Chicks are exposed to carbon dioxide or argon gas, which induces unconsciousness and then death.

3. Suffocation: Chicks are sometimes placed in plastic bags and left to suffocate, although this method is less common and considered inhumane.


The blood is on your hands if you are not a vegan (Tash Peterson 2024).. And God will make you pay for it.




Rutt, Rebecca. "Seven Billion Newly Hatched Chicks Are Killed Every Year – But a Ban Is Not the Solution." University of Copenhagen Faculty of SCIENCE Press News, 21 Mar. 2024,

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