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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Former Lawmaker Baggio Leung: Identity's Crucial for Hong Kong & Israel's Rebirth.By Chapman Chen

During WWII, presumably, not a single Jew in Nazi Germany would think that they could one day rebuild their nation Israel. They would consider themselves lucky if they could escape from the concentration camps alive. But the Jews' identification with their ethnic group is always strong. Whenever a Jew gets rich, he/she will take good care of his/her compatriots. Contrastively, after Li Ka Shing got rich, he has not helped us. Thus, to build up a strong Hong Kong identity is crucial for the rebirth of HK. When the HK #ExtraditionLaw is introduced, many Hongkongers may have to flee Hong Kong. But if they keep their Hong Kong identity, they will still be able to contribute to the well-being of Hong Kong.

Baggio Leung was disqualified as a democratically elected lawmaker by the HK authorities in 2016 for displaying during oath-taking a banner with the phrase, "Hong Kong is NOT China." He is now spokesman of Hong Kong National Front.

Leung made the speech above at a 2019-6-2 Forum at University of Hong Kong commemorating the 30th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Chapman Chen

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