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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Hong Kong Bread of Life Christian Church Blames Umbrella Movement for H3N5 Epidemic. By Chapman Chen

screen capture from 611 Church's youtube video

In February, 2015, 611 Bread of Life Christian Church(611靈糧堂), Hong Kong, published on its website a guideline entitled "Repentance and Prayer for Hongkongers", which, quoting Numbers (41-50) wherein the Levites were visited by a plague due to their resistance against Moses and Aaron, concluded that the H3N5 epidemic was God's retribution for the 2014 Occupy Central Movement. The prayer also implored God to forgive Hong Kong people for rebelling against the Hong Kong authorities, and to bless the Chief Executive so that he could effectively govern HK. The church subsequently deleted the prayer. Cheung Yan-nin was and is the senior pastor of the church.

Fact 1: Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt in opposition to the authorities (Exodus).

Fact 2: God punished human beings with the deluge in Genesis not because they rebelled against the government, but because the pious offspring of Seth married the impious offspring of Cain, and "every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Gen. 6:5).

Fact 3: When King Ahab ascended the throne, he married Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal. Jezebel not only ordered the people to worship Baal, but also brought in 450 prophets who worshipped Baal. She even killed many of Jehovah's prophets so that they had to hide themselves in caves. In view of His servants being persecuted, Jehovah called Elijah to be the prophet to prophesize to Ahah a draught:- "As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word." (1 Kings 17:1)

In conclusion, natural disasters, instead of originating from people's rebellion against authorities, are God's punishment to rulers for their evil doings.

Below please find the recovered guideline/prayer:

Chapman Chen, HKBNews, reports

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