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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act is Good for both HK & USA. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews

The US Congress members are called upon to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act to sanction Hong Kong and China officials, because Hong Kong is caught in a genocidal crisis and the Act will give America leverage in the US-CN trade negotiation.

Genocide in Hong Kong

On a daily basis, the Hong Kong police break bones, inflict torture and paralyze, especially with regard to teenagers, as shown in so many news videos. Hong Kong officials say 750 dissidents under 18 and 104 under 16 have been arrested since June but most Hongkongers believe that the actual figure is much higher. On a daily basis, bodies fall from buildings to the streets without blood spilled and stark naked female bodies are found floating surreally on the sea. And children go missing every night.

Less Hongkongers hit the streets now, NOT because the HK-CN is taking care of itself, but because police atrocity has escalated, train stations are often closed, and peaceful demonstrations and masks are banned.

China has Negative Credibility

If the Act concerned is enacted, America will have an additional chip in US-CN trade negotiation. China's credibility is notoriously negative. E.g., on the Feb 1 Oval Office meeting, vice premier of China, Liu He, promised to buy 5 million tons of soybeans from the US but subsequently China did not keep its words.

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