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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Hong Kong Police's Pastor Hui 許淑芬 Compares HK Dissidents to Ben Hadad & Wanna Kick USA out of HK!

Summary: In a recent sermon, Pastor HUI Shuk-fan許淑芬 of Enoch Christian Fellowship, a group ministering to Hong Kong police officers, compares Hong Kong to King Ahab in 1 Kings 20; HK anti-extradition-law dissidents to Ben Hadad the king of Syria; and HK dissidents' five demands to the HK Government to the unreasonable demands made by Ben Hadad to Ahab, like seizing Ahab's silver and gold, wives and children, and even searching his houses for "whatsoever is pleasant in thine eyes" (1 Kings 20:9-12). Hui begs God to save HK from the rebellion and from hijacking by the USA and UK.

Yet it should be the other way round. Hong Kong are being colonized, trampled upon & exploited by China just as Ahab was bullied, threatened & extorted by Ben Hadad. Hongkongers' 5 demands, like dual universal suffrage, are reasonable demands like those put by the people of Israel to King Rehoboam -- "make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter" (1 Kings 12: 1-19 KJV). The Kingdom of Israel was split into two nations, precisely because King Rehoboam refused to listen to the people's demands. God Himself even raised up leaders such as Gideon, Ehud, Jepthah, Samson, and Deborah to overthrow tyrannical governments (Judges; Hebrews 11: 32). Also, a Scriptural perspective generally held by the founding fathers of America was that though God did not condone an offensive war, he did permit militant self-defense, e.g., Nehemiah 4:13-14, Zechariah 9:8.

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Pro-CCP Pastor Hui Prays that HK'll Cease to be Hijacked by the USA

Pastor Hui's Aug 24 Sermon, "Demands that Aim at Destroying the Country", in English translation is as follows:

"The rebellion has thrown Hong Kong into unprecedented chaos! But from God's proactively helping the helpless Ahab [to defeat Ben Hadad], I see hope! God helped Ahab, not because he was spiritual -- he not only failed to fear God but also worshipped idols -- nor because he was brave -- he was simply a coward -- nor because he was obedient -- he did what he did simply out of necessity. But God showed his mighty power in order to ruin the conspiracy of the enemies on the other shore and to penalize them for their arrogance. May God be mindful of Hong Kong. She isn't spiritual -- many Hongkongers' hearts are not pure and they often utter vulgar speeches! She is not brave either -- many Hongkongers dare not even show their face! She is also disobedient, arrogant, rebellious and overbearing! But still we beg God to have mercy on Hong Kong and return HK to peace -- even if it means transformation of HK back to a fishing village -- so that it will be free from hijacking by the USA and UK."

Hongkongers/Israel Trampled upon by CCP/Ben Hadad

However, it should be the other way round. Hong Kong civilians are like Ahab's Israel being extorted and bullied by the CCP/Ben Hadad.

Since June 2019, a genocide has been going on in HK. The HK authorities have arrested over 6000 dissidents arrested, including 1000 kids, fired over 16,000 highly toxic tear gas canisters and 16,000 rounds of other kinds of ammunition, and injured 3000 people, according to HK Govt data. Teenagers are kidnapped by the police on the streets on a daily basis, and hundreds of mysterious suicides without suicide notes have taken place.

Moreover, since 1997, China has sent more than 1.5 million colonizers to Hong Kong without Hongkongers' consent. China has been draining up Hong Kong's foreign currency reserve by ordering the local government to spend billions of dollars on white elephant projects like East Lantau Reclamation Plan (pending), the HK-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge & Guangzhou-Shenzhen-HK Express Rail Link, etc. The Communist HK Govt colludes with Beijing and State-controlled real estates tycoons to speculate on Hong Kong land and real property so that numerous people have to sleep in coffin-like spaces. The HK educational authorities have been forcing and enticing HK schools to teach the Chinese subject and maybe even other subjects in Putonghua, so as to destroy HK Cantonese, the mother tongue of over 90% of HKers.

Biblical Story of Ahab & Ben Hadad

Ben Hadad, King of Aram, made a demand to King Ahab of Israel for his gold, silver, wives and children, to which the timid Ahab agreed (20:1-7). But Ben Hadad wanted even more -- to send his servants to search his houses and take away "whatsoever is pleasant in thine eyes". This time, Ahab, though habitually incompetent, finally realized that was a demand for utter humiliation and completion destruction of his State. So he adamantly declined and put up a desperate struggle (20:9-12). Encouraged by an unnamed prophet Ahab sent out a sortie led by the young provincial officers, and, backed up by God, they defeated Ben Hadad's powerful army, which was aided by 32 of his vassals (1 Kings 20:13-21).

God Raised up Leaders to Overthrow Tyrannies

God Himself even raised up leaders such as Gideon, Ehud, Jepthah, Samson, and Deborah to throw off tyrannical governments, leaders praised in the Book of Judges and Hebrews 11: 32. Ehud actually assassinated King Eglon of Moab, the oppressor of Israel, by thrusting a knife right into his fatty belly.

Biblical Perspective of Founding Fathers of USA

Also, a Scriptural perspective generally held by the founding fathers of America was that although God did not condone an offensive war, he did permit militant self-defense, e.g., "Remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses" (Nehemiah 4:13-14 KJV) ; "I will encamp about mine house because of the army...and no oppressor shall pass through them any more" (Zechariah 9:8 KJV). "A little more than 240 years ago, those kids [Hong Kong revolutionaries] would've been our Founding Fathers, actually, fighting for our freedom," Spalding, a former official at the National Security Council, said in an interview with Fox News in August 2019.

King Rehoboam & the Five Demands

Hongkongers' five demands, e.g., universal suffrage for chief executive and legco elections, a commission of inquiry into alleged police brutality, amnesty for arrested protesters, full withdrawal of the extradition bill, are reasonable demands like those put by the Israelites to King Rehoboam. Precisely because King Rehoboam refused to listen to the people's demands, the Kingdom of Israel was split into two nations. Similarly, more and more Hongkongers want HK to be detached from China because apparently it will not keep its own promise of one country, two systems.

The relevant biblical passages are as follows:

Rehoboam went to Shechem: for all Israel were come to Shechem to make him king...And Jeroboam and all the congregation of Israel came, and spake unto Rehoboam, saying... make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee...the third day... the king answered the people roughly... after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke: my father also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions...So when all Israel saw that the king hearkened not unto them, the people answered the king, saying, What portion have we in David? ... So Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day (1 Kings 12: 1-19 KJV).

Pastor Hui's Original Chinese Sermon:

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