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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Hong Kong Revolution Group (Team V) Claims Responsibility for Molotov Cocktail Attacks

Updated: Oct 16, 2019

A Team V (V小隊) claims responsibility for the early October vandalism of pro-CCP enterprises and Molotov cocktail attacks. It also announces that it will escalate its militant action to a gory level either this month or before the November District Council Election. In a long online Cantonese article, the team lays out its theory, strategy and tactics for an armed revolution. In this report, we will focus on the theory part. Team V thinks that it is impractical for Hongkongers to wait for China to collapse or for America to intervene. It says that as Hongkongers did not fight in 1997 against Hong Kong's handover to China, people had to sleep on the streets during the 2014 Revolution; and as they did not take charge in 2014, the 2000s generation has to go to jail for 10 years now. And unless they build up an armed force and overthrow the regime now, the 2010s generation will be massacred. Team V argues that "only a military-political institution built up by the people, & able to protect the people & defend their freedom and democracy, will be able to gain public support." Regarding foreign support, the team points out that "Throughout history, America has favored guerillas more than peaceful movements."

Below please find a summary of Team V's revolution theory, which does not represent HKBNews's or the reporter's stance. (Chapman Chen, HKBNews, reports)

No Crowd-funding or Recruitment

At the present stage, Team V does not intend to engage in crowd funding or recruitment at all. Our only contact is the telegram account, @Victor9394 . We have taken part in the early October vandalism of pro-Beijing shops and Molotov cocktail attacks in different districts. The team will escalate its militant action either this month or before the District Council election.


The Time Revolution as put forth by Edward Leung is not a real revolution. Edward Leung aimed more at waking up Hongkongers than at pointing out a clear revolution path.

What is revolution?

Revolution means overthrowing from bottom to top a political system already detached from the people in order to accommodate reality. We are already one step away from urban guerilla warfare. Provided that we change the target of attack from inanimate objects to living people, it is already a war. And an organized guerilla warfare is a revolution. We should step by step build up our armed force in order to seize political power. Everything done by Team V, at least, aims at seizing political power.

Everybody waiting for Godot

Everybody knows the importance of armed strength, but no one has dared to say they are going to build up a military force. Everyone is waiting, either waiting for America to dispatch their troops/sanction China and Hong Kong, or for China to disintegrate, whereas the CCP's collapse and democracy for Hong Kong are two different matters. Basically everybody is waiting for Godot.

Blood can only be paid by blood

The focal point is not whether people have been murdered or raped; rather it is whether you have the ability to resist. Blood can only be paid by blood. This is the basis for a real revolution, an armed revolution. But you have to be pragmatic. 90 percent of the high tech equipment like advanced cannons and warplanes exhibited on October 1 cannot be used in Hong Kong. We will step by step build up our armed force and fight a long-term low-intensity urban guerrilla warfare. Public opinion is meant to be struggled for, not deferred to. As for diplomatic front, what is important is building up strength and status quo rather than lobbying for support. Every law, every treaty, got to be backed up with guns and knives.

An armed force to protect the people and rewrite the social contract

How to struggle for public support? Most Hongkongers are not warriors; they just want food, security, and protection. Every wholesome society has a tacitly approved social contract. We are fortunate in the sense that the Government has taken the lead in breaking the social contract. Now we have the best opportunity to build up an armed force to protect the people and rewrite the social contract.

Only a military-political institution built up by the people, and able to protect the people and defend their freedom and democracy, will be able to gain public support and to rewrite the social contract. To set up community armed forces is the real community work worthwhile doing for only this can ensure that public support be endurable.

Which does USA favor more? Democracy Movement or Guerilla?

As regards the lobbying of foreign support, building up an armed force is more effective than engaging in a peaceful social campaign. Throughout the history of America, which one have they favored? Democracy movement or guerilla?

A River of No Return

Why do we emphasize overthrowing the regime so much? It is because not a single regime will let off a group of people who have chopped cops, snatched guns, thrown incendiary bombs, vandalized banks. We are bound to be imprisoned for life or at least sent to jail for 10 years. Now we frontline fighters have no exit except for fighting until the regime is overthrown. No one can on a long-term basis take care of fugitives in exile. Military revolution is a bloody path but the number of those killed in the battlefield will be fewer than those forced to die by the regime.

Libtards of 2014 Umbrella Revolution

Most of the libtards of the 2014 Umbrella Revolution are still non-violent birds. If the last five years had woken up every participant in the 2014 revolution, the arrestees today would not have been mostly youngsters who were still infants in 2014. We are veterans of the 2014 Umbrella Revolution. We have never done anything substantial for the younger generation. Now it is time we risked our life for them. Since we peacefully allowed Red China to take over Hong Kong in 1997, we had to sleep on the streets of Admiralty and Mongkok in 2014. Since we did not take charge in 2014, the 2000s generation has to go to jail for 10 years now. If we do not build up our armed force now, the 2010s generation will be massacred in the future. Isn't the way the 2000s generation looks at us today similar to the way we in 2014 looked at those who had expected a democratic return to China back in 1997?

Pic credit: Chapman Chen, HKBNews (The pic has nothing to do with Team V)

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