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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

"Hong Kong Time Revolution香港時代革命" Goes beyond Protests. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews

The so-called "Anti-Extradition Law" movement has become a revolution since June without a name. Let me suggest that it be called "Hong Kong Time Revolution香港時代革命". HK Chief Executive Carrie Lam herself said in English on Aug. 5 that the "ulterior motives" of some of the "violent protesters...are to...risk the one country, two proceed with what they call revolution." Indeed, "Reclaim Hong Kong; Time Revolution光復香港,時代革命!" is the most commonly chanted slogan of the activists. Their aim has escalated beyond the withdrawal of the Extradition Bill to universal suffrage and full autonomy, or freedom from China colonization, just like the 1776 American Revolution against British colonization. 3 million Hongkongers have come out in mass rallies. People of all ages, ethnicities, classes, from all walks of life, have joined in the fight in their own ways. In particular, those on the frontline fear not bullets, nor tear gas, nor batons, nor long-term imprisonment, nor even death! They are revolutionaries, not ordinary protesters.

"Reclaim Hong Kong; Time Revolution!"

Carrie Lam herself said in English at a press conference on Aug. 5 that the "ulterior motives" of some of the "violent protesters" are to "risk the one country, two systems" and "to proceed with what they call revolution." The slogans most often chanted in rallies or uprisings since June 9 are precisely "Reclaim Hong Kong; Time Revolution!", "Free Hong Kong" and "Liberate Hong Kong." "Reclaim Hong Kong; Time Revolution!" is a slogan coined by the young activist, Edward Leung Tin-kei, in 2016 when he was running for the Legco by-election. He was subsequently sent to jail for 6 years for taking part in the 2016 Mongkok Police-civilian clash.

Aim of Revolution

The resistance concerned was initially triggered off by a Extradition Law Amendment Bill proposed by the HK government, which, if passed, could see Hongkongers sent to Communist China. But now what Hongkongers want is beyond the government's withdrawal of the Bill. What they want is explicitly universal suffrage, and implicitly full autonomy of Hong Kong and liberation from China Fascist colonization, just like the 1776 American Revolution against British colonization, the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, and the Finnish resistance against Russification (1899–1905; 1908–1917).

On August 3, the national flag of Communist China at Tsim Sha Tsui was lowered and thrown into dirty waters by Hong Kong revolutionaries and replaced with a Hong Kong independence flag. On July 1, HK revolutionaries stormed into the Legislative Council and smeared Communist Hong Kong's emblem. On July 21, activists sprayed with ink the emblem of Beijing's Liaison Office in Hong Kong. Apparently, they no longer recognize the legitimacy of China's rule over Hong Kong.

A War of All People

This revolution is a war of all the people of Hong Kong, who have never in their history been so united before. Men and women of all ages, all ethnicities, all classes, and from all walks of life, including medical, church, airline, social workers, civil servants, etc. and etc., are joining it. On June 9, one million people hit the street; on June 16, two million people took to the streets. While the frontline activists are mostly young people, people of all ages frequently form a chain conveyor of human flesh at the scene of resistance, to deliver materials like helmets, masks, umbrellas, cable ties, to the frontline.

Whenever the Hong Kong Police are rounding up activists at night, churches, shops and even housing estates would open themselves up to shelter activists. Restaurants offer free meals to young activists. When the police started attacking and arresting innocent residents of the Wong Tai Sin District on August 3, thousands of residents there, many of whom were not protesters, came out and yelled at the police, "Hong Kong Police, who know the law, break the law! You are not welcomed here! You are not welcomed here! Go back to China!", thereby forcing them to step back. Moreover, tens of thousands of people joined the general strike on August 5.

Moral Valiance

In this revolution, activists risk on a weekly basis rubber bullets, sponge rounds, poisonous tear gas canisters, pepper spray, batons, the threat of real bullets, long-term imprisonments, and even death. Many young activists carry with them a testament when they go to the frontline. These are, of course, revolutionaries instead of ordinary protesters. They are usually non-violent. But when provoked and assaulted by the Police, they will fight back valiantly. E.g., on July 14, the police forced dissidents into a shopping mall in Shatin, blocked all the exits, and indiscriminately assaulting everybody there, including customers. When a policeman was trying to gauge out a young activist's eye, he bit off one of his fingers.

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