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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Paul Corrupted Jesus' Vegan Church over One Woman. By Dr. Chapman Chen

Updated: Apr 29


Introduction: Just as Paris triggered off the Trojan War over Helen of Troy, "Saint" Paul (circa 5 AD - ?) corrupted Jesus' Vegan Church (Akers 2000; Chen 2024b, 2024c, 2022) due to his unrequited love for the charming daughter of a high priest (Panarion 30.16.6-9), an influence that has impacted the whole world for the last two thousand years. 



1. The First Cut is the Deepest


Paul, as admitted by himself, "was born as a [Roman] citizen!" (Acts 22:27-28 TPT) in Tarsus of Cilicia (Acts 22:3; Phil 3:5). He was a relative of the Herodian family (Romans 16:11), and his real name was Saul (Acts 7:58, 8;1-3). Around 30 AD, according to the Ebionites (Panarion 30.16.6-9; see Meeks and Fitzgerald 2007:229-30) (Note 1), he went up to Jerusalem around 30 AD, and when he has spent some time there, he fell head over heels in love with the beautiful daughter of a High Priest.


2. Joining the Secret Police


Paul/Saul fervently courted the girl, doing everything in his power to win the attention and hopefully the love of her. For her sake, he became a proselyte and was circumcised. For her sake, he became a Pharisee. For her sake, and given his family background, he easily joined the secret police force of the High Priest, and atrociously persecuted and killed early followers of the Vegan Christ. But all these endeavours gained mere condescending approval from her.


3. Mission Impossible


When his repeated offers of marriage were repeatedly spurned by this femme fatale (Note 2), Saul was heart broken; Saul was outraged; Saul was disconsolate, depressed, distraught and disheartened (Hosein 1996:40-41). He wanted to achieve something big in compensation for his unrequited love, and to take revenge on Jewishness as embodied in The Mosaic Law, amongst other things. So he accepted the mission impossible from the Roman Empire: to pretend to be one and only one apostle personally tutored by Jesus Christ in spiritual visions, and to corrupt Jesus' Vegan Church from the inside out (cf. Chen 2023; Akers 2000; Eisenman 2012; Voskuilen 2005) !


4. A Three-year Retreat


After the Damascus "conversion" drama as scripted, directed and performed by himself around 34 AD, Paul, instead of going to learn from Jesus' 12 disciples, headed for the Arabian desert (Galatians 1:17), where he remained hidden for three years, not only to lick his bleeding wounded heart, but also to formulate the tenets or doctrines of Gentile Pauline Christianity. 


5. Killing Two Birds with One Stone -- Pauline Christianity 

With one stone, Gentile Pauline Christianity, Paul killed two birds -- Jesus' Vegan Jewish Christianity and Judaism -- both no good for the Roman Empire's colonial domination over the Jews, in the following ways, among others.


5.1. Exclusion of the Jews


Firstly, Paul made sure that Gentile Pauline Christianity excluded the Jews (1 Thessalonians 2:14-15; Philippians 3:2-3; Romans 10:3), by blaming the Jews as an ignorant, dog-like people, as mutilators of the flesh, responsible for Jesus' death, and by fiercely attacking Moses' Law (Romans 5:20 American Bible in Plain English; Hebrews 7:18-19 Berean Study Bible; Hebrews 8:13 NKJV; 2 Corinthians 3:7 NLV; Galatians 3:23 Weymouth New Testament; Galatians 3:13 KJV; Ephesians 2:15 NKJV; Philippians 3:4-8 KJV; Galatians 2:19 NLT), circumcision (1 Corinthians 7:19; Romans 3:31; 8:4; 1 John 2:3; Galatians 5:6; 6:12–17), and Sabbath (Romans 14:5; Galatians 4:10-11; Colossians 2:16-17).


5.2. No Room for Vegan Christianity of Jesus


Secondly, Paul made sure that Gentile Pauline Christianity had no room for Jesus' Vegan Jewish Christianity, for example, by endorsing meatism (1 Corinthians 10:25; Titus 1:15; I Cor. 8:4, 8:8), and by turning Jesus into the very thing he was protesting -- a sacrificial Passover lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7 NIV), or "a substitutionary blood atonement for the forgiveness of sins" (Thompson 2022; Chen 2024a).


In contrast, Jesus warns against flesh-eating:- “Be on guard, so that your hearts do not become heavy with the eating of flesh" (Luke 21:34, Evangelion Da-Mepharreshe — Old Syriac-Aramaic Manuscript of the New Testament Gospels). And He admonishes the Pharisees, quoting Hosea 6:6, "Go and learn what this means: I desire compassion rather than sacrifice" (Matthew 9:13 NASB). Ultimately, Jesus died for liberating animals from the Temple (Mark 11:15-18) and for abolishing blood sacrifice (Chen 2024a).


5.3. Submit to Governing Authorities!


Thirdly, Paul made sure that Gentile Pauline Christianity, in contrast to those localist, pro-independence and pro-autonomy Jewish communities, would eventually become acceptable to the Roman Empire by commanding everybody to submit themselves to "the governing authorities" on the ground that they "have been established by God" (Romans 13:1-3 NIV). 


6. Conclusion


According to US President Thomas Jefferson, Paul/Saul was the "first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus" (Washington 1854). "There is not one word of Pauline Christianity in the characteristic utterances of Jesus.... There has really never been a more monstrous imposition perpetrated than the imposition of Paul's soul upon the Soul of Jesus", concludes George Bernard Shaw (1915). For the sake of one woman, Paul/Saul the apostate has kidnapped and perverted Jesus' Vegan Church for 2000 years. It is high time we dumped Saul and returned to the original vegan teachings of Jesus.  



1. The Ebionites were a group of early Jewish Christians, who believed in simple living, pacifism and veganism. They got their name from the Hebrew term “אביונים‎ Ebionim” meaning the poor (cf. Akers 2000:21.). “Looking at his disciples, he said: 'Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God," says Jesus (Luke 6:20-21 NIV). Here, Jesus must be referring to the Ebionites for, naturally, not every poor person is righteous and deserves to be blessed. The Gospel of the Ebionites is known only by the quotations from Bishop Epiphanius (A.D. 310–320 – 403). Epiphanius, however, is an excellent sources for several reasons. First, he has interviewed individual Jewish Christians and possesses copies of their Gospel. Second, he is an antagonistic source: he scorned Jewish Christianity, thus he cannot be accused of concocting proofs favoring Jewish Christianity (cf. Akers 2000:25).

2. According to Hosein (1996:40-41), "Then Popea abruptly left Jerusalem to enter into a career on the stage in Rome. As actresses go, she graduated from High Priest’s daughter to become the mistress of Emperor Nero who eventually made an honest woman of her by marrying her." This description sounds like Poppaea Sabina (30 AD – 65 AD), also known as Ollia, who was a Roman empress as the second wife of the emperor Nero. She had also been wife to the future emperor Otho. The historians of antiquity describe her as a beautiful woman who used intrigues to become empress. However, between 30 AD and 34 AD, she was just an infant and it's thus unlikely for Paul to have courted her there and then, unless the currently available chronicles of either one of them or both of them are seriously wrong.




Akers, Keith (2000). The Lost Religion of Jesus. New York: Lantern Publishing & Media.


Chen, Chapman (2024a). "Pauline Christianity is a Bloody Black-Magic Sacrificial Cult. Go Vegan!" HKBNews, Apr. 2. 


Chen, Chapman (2024b). "All those Fishy Stories about Jesus the Vegan Christ." HKBNews, Mar. 17.


Chen, Chapman (2024c). "The 'Open Rescue' of Temple Animals by Jesus the Vegan Christ." HKBNews, Mar. 29.


Chen, Chapman (2023). "Acts of the Anti-Vegan Paul." HKBNews, 5 July.


Chen, Chapman (2022). "Jesus did NOT Eat Meat. Go Vegan!" HKBNews, 15 Mar. ( )


Eisenman, Robert (2012). James the Brother of Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls I. London: The Way Publishing.


Hosein, Farouk (1996). Fundamentalism Revisited. Chaguanus: Enaith's Printing Co.


Meeks, W. A. and Fitzgerald, J. T. (2007). The Writings of St. Paul (2nd Edition) . New York and London: Norton.


Shaw, George Bernard (1915). "Androcles and the Lion, Introduction".


Sion, Robert Mt. (2013). Paul the Antichrist. Saarbrucken: Bloggingbooks.


Tabor, James D. (2012). Paul and James. NY: Simon & Schuster.


Thompson, Dave (2022). " Flesh Eating Paul Versus James the Just, the Brother of Jesus, and a Vegan." Facebook, Dec. 13.


Voskuilen, Thijs (2005) "Operation Messiah: Did Christianity Start as a Roman Psychological Counterinsurgency Operation?", Small Wars & Insurgencies, 16:2, 192-215, DOI: 10.1080/09592310500079940


Washington, H. A. (1854) (ed). The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Being his Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private. Vol. VII. Washington, D.C.: Taylor & Maury.



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