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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Peking Univ President Tsai Yuan-pei vs Pro-CCP Hong Kong Univ. Presidents. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews

Updated: May 6, 2019

Today is the centennial of the May Fourth Movement. This is the grave of former Peking University President Prof. Tsai Yuan-pei (Choi Yuen-pui) (1868-1940) in Aberdeen, Hong Kong. 100 years ago, Peking U students protested against corrupt government officials who sold out China to Japan. They caught two officials, beat them up, and even burnt down the house of one of them. They were arrested but President Tsai went to the police station to bail them out. Contrastively, many Hong Kong university presidents nowadays persecute dissident students and betray them to the CCP. For example, in 2016, HKU students protested against Prof. Arthur Li, the dictatorial chair of the university governing council. Prof. Peter Mathieson, the then president of the university, actually called the police and had the students arrested. And last year, HK Baptist University students protested against the Putonghua graduation requirement, a colonization policy handed down from Beijing. Two students leaders were subsequently suspended by the univ. president Prof. Ronald Chin. Also, in 2018, HK Polytechnic University students protested against the University's covering up their bulletin board. Consequently, one student was expelled for life and another suspended for 6 months this year by interim university president Prof. Philip CH Chan.

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