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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Poland and Hong Kong Share a Common Enemy. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews

Updated: Jul 19, 2019

Why should Poland help Hong Kong, a place so far away from Poland? Well, there is a Chinese saying, "People attacked by the same disease sympathize with each other." Poland and Hong Kong share a common enemy, i.e., communism. Poland was swallowed and colonized by Tsarist Russia in the 19th century, and invaded and oppressed by Soviet union in the 20th century; just as Hong Kong has been ruthlessly colonized by Communist China since 1997. As put by Amy Hess, boss of the FBI's cyber division, "China's goal is to become world dominant power." China is trying to export and expand its despotic State capitalism, to corrupt and dominate the free world, via migration, debt trap, economic partnership, bribery, theft of intellectual property, espionage, etc. Hong Kong is part of the free world. HK and Poland share values like Christian love, freedom and democracy, just that Hong Kong is on the frontline. Soviet Union's and Communist China's colonization strategies include, e.g., police brutality, economic exploitation, linguistic cleansing, and ethnic transfusion. Poland should beware of China's debt trap. The Poles may help Hongkongers by lobbying the Polish Govt to economically sanction China and offer asylum to Hong Kong dissidents badly persecuted.


Moreover, Poland is a Christian nation, and Hong Kong has 870,000 Christians. During the recent anti-Extradition Law Movement, Hong Kong protesters often sang in English, "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord," something China-people will never do.

What the Poles can do for Hongkongers

Poles may pray for Hong Kong resistance against China Nazism-Communism, help the Polish Government to arrest and/or deport Chinese spies, lobby the Polish authorities to be aware of China's debt trap, economically sanction China, to grant political asylum to Hong Kong dissidents badly persecuted, and to verbally condemn China for violations of human rights in Hong Kong.

Police Brutality

This year, on June 9, one million Hongkongers hit the street in protest of the Extradition Law. On June 12, during an anti-Extradition Law protest in Admiralty, HK Police indiscriminately shot at people's head. On July 1, HK activists stormed into the Hong Kong Legislative Council and were then brutally suppressed, just like Polish workers broke into a prison during Poznan June, 1956. On July 14, HK Police blocked all exits of a shopping mall, forced all protesters into it, and then started beating people therein indiscriminately. So far, more than 70 people have been arrested. Demonstrations and suppressions like the above remind one of the 1956 Poznan Uprising. A crowd of approximately 100,000 people gathered in the city center. About 400 tanks and 10,000 soldiers of the Polish People's Army and the Internal Security Corps were ordered to suppress the demonstration and during the pacification fired at the protesting civilians. The death toll was estimated to be between 57 and over a hundred people, including a 13-year-old boy. The youngest HK activist in the July 1st uprising was also 13 years old.

According to Appledaily (2019-7-16), the Hong Kong Govt is considering imposing martial laws on individual districts of HK, in which case HK will become like Poland (1981-1983). In those days, more than 90 Polish civilians were killed and thousands of activists arrested, including Walesca of Trade Union Solidarity.

Economic Exploitation

The Communist Hong Kong Government and Communist China businessmen have been colluding to speculate on Hong Kong's real estates market, rendering property prices and rentals the highest in the whole world. By way of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement signed on 2003 between HK and Beijing, HK's economy has been made to become more and more dependent on China. Similarly, after World War II, Stalinist planning forcibly redirected Poland's foreign economic relations. Poland's extensive interwar commercial links with Western Europe were reduced, and some important prewar markets were lost as trade with the Soviet Union expanded rapidly. For Poland this trade was based mainly on export of coal and manufactured goods primarily from the rapidly growing heavy industries. In return, Poland became dependent on the supply of Soviet oil, natural gas, iron ore, and some other raw materials.

Beware of China's Debt Trap!

On 2019-7-8, according to Reuters, the Foreign Minister of Poland said the country is open to investment from China. China has been luring Poland to join the One Belt One Road Initiative. Sino-Polish trade relations are greatly asymmetric in China’s favor and actually tilted even further in this direction during recent years since the signing of the strategic partnership scheme between Poland and China. In an interview with Reuters in Johannesburg (July 2018), OPIC CEO Ray Washburne warned that China is saddling nations with unsustainable debt through large-scale infrastructure projects that are not economically viable.

Linguistic Cleansing

Communist HK education authorities convince most Hong Kong schools to teach the Chinese subject in Putonghua, rather than HK Cantonese, which is the mother tongue of most Hongkongers. Similarly, under Partitioned Poland, the years 1869-1885 saw the systematic removal of the Polish Language from the education system, the end result, in 1885, was its placement as a second, non-compulsory school language. Additionally, the Russian language was introduced into folk schools. Conclusively, speaking the Polish language was banned in institutions of education.

Ethnic Transfusion

Beijing sends on a daily basis 150 migrants to Hong Kong without Hongkongers' consent or screening, including criminals and secret agents. Poor and senile Hongkongers are advised by the HK Govt to move to Shenzhen and other regions in the Greater Bay Area. Similarly, during 1939–1941, after the Soviet Union annexed Eastern parts of the Second Polish Republic, 1.45 million people inhabiting the region were deported by the Soviet regime to the Soviet Union.

Pic credit: PiS rally in Warsaw. Photo: PAP/Leszek Szymański

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