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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

ProCCP HK AnglicanChurch Archbp Paul Kwong at Xmas Blames HK Victims of Communism & Twists Immanuel!

Summary: Hong Kong Anglican Church Archbishop Paul Kwong, member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, in his X'mas message, blames Hong Kong dissidents, who are victims of China genocide, for socio-familial cleavages and instability. Invoking "Immanuel"/"God with us", Kwong urges Hong Kong activists to reconcile themselves with God and the govt. Yet Jesus himself told us that he did not "come to give peace on earth", but to bring "division"(Luke 12: 51-53).

The real cause of social cleavages in HK is an ongoing spiritual cum political warfare. Spiritually, Xi Jinping is the most powerful anti-Christ atheist leader in the world. And in Hong Kong, there are numerous false prophets who worship the CCP rather than Jehovah. Politically, many HKers want HK split from China because it brutally colonizes HK and would not listen to the locals' demands for liberty & democracy, just as the Kingdom of Israel was split into 2 nations because King Rehoboam would not listen to the people's demand for a lighter yoke (1 Kings 12:16). Finally, Immaneul symbolizes Hong Kong's hope of imminent defeat for its aggressive northern neighbor, and delivery from the Red Dragon by "the child of the Holy Ghost", just as the name stands for Judah's hope of imminent defeat for its 2 northern belligerent neighbors in Isaiah 7:14, and for the child Messiah in Matthew 1: 22-23. (By Chapman Chen, HKBNews)

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Archbishop Blames the Victim!

Pro-CCP Hong Kong Anglican Church Archbishop Paul Kwong, member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), in his Christmas message, blames Hong Kong dissidents for splitting family bonds and friendships, for damaging the economy & people's livelihoods, & for compromising social stability, the rule of laws and people's mental health. Kwong, however, fails to mention the Communist HK Governemnt's adamant refusal to answer Hongkongers' 5 demands and the war crimes committed by the HK police in the last 6 months. This reminds one of William Ryan's (1971) "blaming the victim" theory, which argued that the 1965 Moynihan Report shifted the blame for African-American poverty rates from social injustice and discrimination to the behaviors and cultural patterns of the blacks.

Immanuel and Archbishop's Indifference

Explaining the core value of Christmas as "Immanuel"/"God with us" and interpreting "Immanuel" as reconciliation between God and people, Kwong urges Hong Kong activists to reconcile themselves with God, with the govt and with the police. In November, when the HK police was besieging the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, more than 1 dozen of HK Anglican Church members initiated an urgent petition campaign, pleading with Archbishop Kwong and the other 2 bishops to urge the government to stop all violent suppression of the campus protest so that the injured would receive proper treatment on time and paramedics would be released, etc. But the three priests never responded.

Jesus Came to Bring Division

However, Jesus himself told us that he did not "come to give peace on earth", but to bring "division". "For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law" (Luke 12: 51-53 KJV).

Similarly, socio-familial divisions have much worsened since the HK Time Revolution began in June because a spiritual warfare and a political warfare have been going on.

A Spiritual Warfare

Spiritually, the Bible asks us to beware of anti-Christ (1 John 2:18; 1 John 2:22; 1 John 4:2–3 ; 2 John 1:17; 2 Thessalonians 2:1–4 ; Matthew 24: 24 and Mark 13:22); and "Beware of false prophets" (Matthew 7:15; 1 John 4:1-6; Romans 16:18).

The Powerful Anti-Christ

Chairman Xi Jinping is the most powerful anti-Christ atheist leader in the contemporary world. Xi's Crackdown on Christianity Is China's Worst in 40 Years. In China, they're closing churches, jailing pastors – and even rewriting the Bible.

Beware of False Prophets

In Hong Kong, apart from genocide by China, there are numerous false prophets who worship the CCP rather than Jehovah. For example, Enoch Christian Fellowship's Pastor Hui Shun-fan likens Hongkong dissidents to the evil King Ben Hadad and wants to kick the USA out of HK. Hong Kong Baptist Church Pastor KONG ShanWai江山偉 compares HK Dissidents to Israelites who wanted Jesus crucified! Canadian-Hong Kong Theologian Dr. Milton Wan Condemns HK Dissidents for "Speaking against God." North Point Alliance Church Hong Kong Senior Pastor Rev. Gordon SIU Sau-wah orders pastors & instructors of his church to remain "politically neutral" & not to use phrases like "5 demands" & "HK Add Oil".

King Rehoboam & the Five Demands

Politically, China has been brutally colonizing Hongkongers since 1997. Hongkongers' five demands, e.g., universal suffrage for chief executive and legislative council elections, a commission of inquiry into alleged police brutality, amnesty for arrested protesters, full withdrawal of the extradition bill, are reasonable demands like those put by the Israelites to King Rehoboam -- "make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter" (1 Kings 12: 1-19 KJV). Precisely because King Rehoboam refused to listen to the people's demands, "all Israel...departed" (1 Kings 12:16) and the Kingdom of Israel was split into two nations. Similarly, more and more Hongkongers want HK to be fully detached from China because apparently the Red Dragon will not keep its own promise of one country, two systems.

Immanuel in Isaiah

In Isaiah, Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14) symbolizes Kingdom of Judah's hope of imminent defeat for its two northern neighbors -- Ephraim and Syria -- who're warring against Jerusalem, Judah, its king being Ahaz. "Then said the LORD unto Isaiah, Go forth now to meet Ahaz, thou, and Shearjashub thy son... And say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands... Moreover the LORD spake again unto Ahaz, saying...Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings" (Isaiah 7: 1-16). Eventually, the two northern kings met their defeat and death at the hands of the Assyrians (Isaiah 8:8).

Immanuel as the Child of the Holy Ghost

In the New Testament, Immanuel symbolizes the child Messiah. Matthew 1:16 indicates that Jesus is not Joseph's natural son. Verses 1:18–25 turn to Mary, the future mother of Jesus, betrothed to Joseph, but "found with child of the Holy Ghost" before she and Joseph "came together". (v.18) Joseph was about to break the engagement, but an angel appeared to him in a dream and told him of the child's divine origin, and Matthew 1:22–23 declares how this was the fulfillment of the Immanuel prophesy (Isaiah 7:14) in the Old Testament.

In our interpretation, Immaneul symbolizes Hong Kong's hope of imminent defeat for its aggressive northern neighbor and delivery from the Red Dragon by "the child of the Holy Ghost".

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