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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

The Covid19 Vaccine Passport as the Mark of the Beast. By Chapman Chen, HKBNews

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Summary: The Chinese Virus Vaccine Passport is the Mark of the Beast. The Book of Revelation prophesizes that in the end times, the AntiChrist Beast will cause everyone to receive a mark of 666 in their hands or foreheads such that no one without the mark can buy or sell (Rev. 13-16-18 KJV). Now, in many places in the world, e.g., Hong Kong, Austria, and Italy, people without a covid19 vaccine passport are denied access to shopping malls, restaurants, schools, public transport, workplaces, etc. Indeed, the English Gematria value of "a covid vaccine" is precisely 666, & that of "Chinese Virus Vaccine Passport" 666 x 3.

Quite a few Christian priests and bodies, like Pastor Murray Watkinson (2021), Pastor Charles Lawson (2020), End Times Truther Wing Wong (2020), and HKJerusalem (2020), and politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene (2021) & Peter Feaman (2021), identify the Chinese virus vaccine passport with the mark of the beast.

The covid19 vaccine's threat to spiritual health is mirrored by its threat to physical health. Medical scientists, like Nobel Prize for Medicine winner Prof. Luc Montagnier (2021), Swedish researchers at Lund University (2022), French infectious disease doctor Christian Perronne (2021), former US Navy spinal surgeon Dr. Lee Merritt (2021), & US neurologist Dr. Chris Shaw (2021) have denounced the covid19 vaccines as not only ineffective but catastrophic or problematic.

Mind you: those who "receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand... shall be tormented with fire and brimstone" (Rev. 14:9-11 KJV).


1. "No one without the Mark can Buy or Sell"

According to The Book of Revelation, in the end times, the AntiChrist Beast will cause everyone to receive a mark of 666 in their hands or foreheads such that no one without the mark can transact:

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Revelation 13:16-18 KJV)

"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb" (Rev. 14:9-11 KJV).

2. Hong Kong, Italy and Austria as Examples

Now, in many a country or city, people cannot buy or sell or work or study or travel unless they have "the mark", i.e. a recognized covid19 vaccine passport.

For example, in Hong Kong, people without a Covid19 vaccine passport are denied entry to shopping malls, restaurants, supermarkets, schools, working places, public transports, governmental buildings, etc. And an employer is entitled to fire a unvaccinated employer straightaway without paying any compensation.

In Austria, non-vaccinated people are excluded from restaurants, sports and cultural venues, and subject to heavy fines ranging from 600 to 3,600 euros.

In Italy, the "super" or "reinforced" green pass health certificate, which proves vaccination or recovery, is mandatory for access to almost all leisure, social or sporting activities as well as all workplaces. People are unable to dine in or outside a restaurant, go to the gym or use public transport unless they can prove immunisation or recovery from Covid.

3. The Value of a Covid Vaccine in English Gematria

Gematria is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name/phrase based on its letters. It originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher that was later adopted into Jewish culture.

The English Gematria (Note 1) value of "a covid vaccine" is precisely 666; that of "Chinese Virus Vaccine Passport" 666 x 3; that of "President Xi Jinping" 666 x 2; that of "Hong Kong Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor" 666 x 3 (Carrie Lam is the Chief Executive of Hong Kong).

These Gematria values are echoed by testimonies that the coronavirus is a bioweapon of Xi Jinping. For instance, Fox News senior strategic analyst four star Gen. Jack Keane (2020) pointed out that Chinese President Xi Jinping had "weaponized" the spread of coronavirus around the world to destroy Western economies and stifle its competition (Note 2); Hong Kong virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan (2021) testified that the covid19 virus is a bioweapon designed by the Chinese Communist Party to conquer the world (Note 3).

Thus, "a covid vaccine" represents the Mark of the Beast ostensibly used for preventing a virus which was actually generated by an avatar of the Beast to conquer the world.

4. Implanted Vaccine Passport & Patent WO/2020/060606

At the beginning of December last year, Sweden enacted new rules requiring individuals to have a passport at all events with more than 100 people. Following that announcement, the number of people who got microchips inserted under their skin rose: by the end of 2021, around 6,000 people in Sweden had had a chip inserted in their hands.

Meanwhile, Patent WO/2020/060606 entitled "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data" was registered on March 26, 2020 by Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC under the presidency of Bill Gates.

The online patent application can be summarized as follows: A chip that monitors the daily physical activity of the person is implanted in the body of a user. The chip is connected to a server which can provide it with the task of mining in a crypto system. A sensor attached to the same chip can detect the user's body activity data. The crypto server can verify whether the data generated by body activity meet the conditions set by the crypto system, and can issue cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.

Bill Gates' company is also involved in the ID project ID2020 Alliance, a digital project that has addressed digital rights. This is a vaccine alliance which actively supports various vaccines and Gavi, a company that distributes these vaccines around the world.

It follows that the chip of Patent WO/2020/060606 could eventually be implanted in people's body as a kind of vaccine passport, which monitors their body activity as well as their financial transactions (buying and selling).

5. Christian Entities Recognizing the Mark of the Beast

Quite a few Christian priests and organizations, for example, Pastor Murray Watkinson (2021), Pastor Charles Lawson (2020) Pastor Corey Erman (2021), End Times Truther Wing Wong (2020) and HKJerusalem (2021) identify the Chinese virus vaccine passport as the mark of the beast.

In his online sermon on August 26, 2020 (Note 4), New Zealand Celebration Church Pastor Murray Watkinson expressed frustration over the lockdown imposed by the NZ government:

“We are in a lockdown. Our government are enforcing a lockdown of the nation of New Zealand.” He pondered upon things that were “going to happen in the end times”, such as mandatory vaccinations. Wkinson suggested the Covid-19 vaccine could be the “mark of the beast”, an “end times” idea in Revelations. Those without the mark, enforced by the anti-Christ, would be excluded from being able to buy, sell and trade, he said. “What if you’re not vaccinated, and they won’t allow you to go in to a supermarket to actually shop?”

Pastor Charles Lawson (2020) (Note 5) of the Temple BaptistChurch in Knoxville, Tennesse is adamant that the covid19 vaccine is leading people to take the mark of the beast. He also argues that the mRNA vaccine will genetically change you from a human being into a synthetic Frankenstein (Note 6).

RiverWest Palm Beach Church Pastor Corey Erman, in his 2021 Easter sermon, denounced the “scam-demic” of COVID-19 and the “big, big, big con job” of testing and vaccines. Turning to the question of vaccine passports, he told his congregation to “say no to the mark of the beast” (Note 7).

End Times Truther Wing Wong (2020) (Note 8), from Hong Kong warns that the jab is the mark of the beast, that all Christians who take it will be deprived of God's Grace and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone without any exemption or exception, as envisaged in the Book of Revelation (14:9-11). Wong notes that the kind of non-contact infrared thermometer, which was used in 2020 and 2021 in Hong Kong to scan individuals’ wrist as well as forehead temperatures before they were given access to any shops or governmental buildings, had never been seen before. Wong believes that it is a precursor to the covid19 vaccine passport, which will be implanted as a chip in people's hands and foreheads, and that eventually no one will be allowed to buy, sell, work, study or travel before the implanted chip or the mark of the beast is detected by scanning.

HKJerusalem (2021) (Note 9) argues that all the seven characteristics of the mark of the beast can be identified in the covid19 vaccine: 1. The vaccine is universally applicable; 2. It involves buying and selling; 3. The mRNA technology could transform the receiver's DNA according to "the image of the beast"; 4. Luciferase, the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, is involved in covid19 vaccine researches; 5. Patent WO/2020/060606 was registered in 2020 by Microsoft under the Presidency of Bill Gates, the big boss behind the production, research and development of Moderna; and the English Gematria value of "a covid vaccine" is also 666; 6. The mRNA vaccine may modify people's DNA and turn them into a patented "slave" as in Rev. 13:18; 7. The covid19 vaccine may end up as a chip implanted "in the hand" of people as in Rev. 14:9.

6. Politicians Condemning the Green Pass as the Mark of the Beast

Outspoken politicians, like Marjorie Taylor Greene (2021) Peter Feaman (2021), and Kanye West (2020), identify the green pass with the mark of the beast.

US Georgia Republican congresswoman Majorie Taylor Green (2021) (Note 10). stated that “They are actually talking about people’s ability to buy and sell linked to the vaccine passport,” calling the vaccine passport "Biden's Mark of the Beast"

US lawyer and Florida Republican Nation Committee official Peter Feaman (2021) (Note 11) condemned covid19 vaccines as the “mark of the beast” and "a false god", warning that Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “wants her citizens to get the Mark of the Beast to participate in society.”

In an interview with Forbes about his upcoming 2020 presidential bid, US rapper Kanye West (2020) (Note 12) said: "It’s so many of our children that are being vaccinated and paralysed." "So when they say the way we’re going to fix covid is with a vaccine, I’m extremely cautious. That’s the mark of the beast." "They want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven."

7. Medical Evidence against the Covid19 Vaccine

Swedish researchers at Lund University (2022) (Note 13) found that when the mRNA vaccine enters the human liver cells, it will be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells within 6 hours. (The vaccine’s mRNA converting into DNA and being found inside the cell’s nucleus is something that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said would not happen.) President of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, Stefan Olerich (2021), also admitted at the World Health Summit in November last year that the COVID mRNA vaccines are a form of gene therapy (Note 14). These confirm Pastor Charles Lawson's (2020) assertion that the covid19 vaccine will genetically remake you in the image of the Beast rather than God.

Meanwhile, the covid19 vaccine's threat to spiritual health is mirrored by its threat to physical health. Despite mainstream media's and social media's censorship and the mainstream medical circle's witch-hunting practice, courageous scientists, like Nobel Prize for Medicine winner Prof. Luc Montagnier (2021), French infectious disease doctor Christian Perronne (2021), and former US Navy spinal surgeon Dr. Lee Merritt (2021), have denounced the covid19 vaccines as not only ineffective but hazardous to human health.

Prof. Luc Montagnier (2021) (Note 15), in an interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media, referred to the mass vaccination program as "an enormous mistake," "A scientific error as well as a medical error". He has found the variants to be created by "antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination." "It’s what we call Antibody Dependent Enhancement, which means antibodies favor a certain infection. The antibody attaches to the virus, from that moment it has the receptors, the antibodies, we have them in the macrophage etc." "It pokes the virus and not accidentally, but because of the fact that they’re linked to the antibodies."

Prof. Luc Montagnier (1932 –2022) was a French virologist and joint recipient, with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of HIV.

French infectious disease doctor Christian Perronne (2021) (Note 16), former member and vice chair of the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunizations, spoke against COVID-19 vaccines during a debate over COVID-19 vaccination mandates in Luxembourg’s national legislature:- “The Covid vaccine is killing more people than the Covid virus does. Approving and promoting the vaccine is the biggest scandal of medical history."

According to US neurologist Dr. Chris Shaw (2021) (Note 17), the world’s health care infrastructure may be overwhelmed in the near future by people suffering both cardiovascular and neurological damage from the spike protein found in vaccines. This could have devastating consequences for health care services which are already in a state of crisis due to nurses and doctors leaving hospitals and clinics in protest against draconian vaccine mandates.

Former US Navy spinal surgeon Dr. Lee Merritt (2021) (Note 18) argued that this covid "vaccine" push is a depopulation experiment being carried out against humanity.

8. Eternal Suffering

In conclusion, if you take the jab, you'll receive the Mark of the Beast; when you carry the Chinese Virus Vaccine Passport, you are worshiping the Beast instead of God. What's waiting for you is eternal suffering in the lake of burning sulfur (Rev. 14:9-11).




















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