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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

US Rep. Calls Hong Kong Young People "Founding Fathers & Mothers" 美眾議院亞太區主席稱香港後生建國父母!By Chapman Chen

On Sept 26 (HK Time), US House of Representatives member, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific Chair, Ted Yoho met Ray Wong and HKIAD (Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation) spokespersons Sunny Cheung and Joey Siu. Rep. Yoho praised Hong Kong activists and young people for their struggle for freedom and democracy. "You are the founding fathers and mothers of your country." Yoho did not specify which country. He sponsors The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. The students presented him with a mini Lennon Wall.

美國眾議院外交委員會亞太區主席Ted Yoho 九月廿六會見黃台仰及大專學界國際事務代表團發言人張崑陽、邵嵐。Yoho讚揚香港抗爭者及年青人爭取自由民主,正是「建立自己國家的國父國母」!Yoho支持香港人權及民主法案。學生送上迷你連儂牆。 

Pic credit & info.: Hong Kong Cultural and Political Forum

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