From the very beginning, God prescribed humans a vegan diet. “And God said, See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food (Genesis 1:29 NKJV).” So how could eating vegetables and fruits be harmful to human health?
1. Will the Anti-Nutrients in Veggies Steal your Nutrients?
A HK quack, however, recommends people to eat meat and eggs as much as possible on the ground that a plant-based diet will weaken people, that vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and fruits contain "anti-nutrients" -- protease inhibitors, lipase inhibitors, amylase inhibitors, phytates, oxalates, lectins, etc. -- which will "steal" nutrients from the human body. He claims that these substances either block the human body from absorbing nutrients or cause nutrient loss.
2. The Health Benefits of Anti-Nutrients
On the other hand, Jill Joyce (2021), an Assistant Professor of Public Health Nutrition at Oklahoma State University, argues that anti-nutrients, often misunderstood as harmful, are a natural and essential part of a healthy diet. These compounds, found in plant and animal foods, can slightly reduce nutrient absorption but also provide significant health benefits.
Anti-nutrients evolved in plants as defense mechanisms, deterring predators and aiding species survival. Common examples include phytates, lectins, tannins, and saponins, found in whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. While these compounds can bind to minerals and reduce absorption, their health-enhancing properties outweigh their drawbacks. For instance, phytates and tannins have antioxidant effects, lectins may lower disease risk, and saponins support the immune system and combat chronic conditions.
3. Anti-Nutrients Misunderstood
Historically, anti-nutrients were viewed negatively, much like dietary fiber was initially misunderstood. However, just as fiber is now recognized for its critical role in reducing risks of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, anti-nutrients are increasingly valued as nutraceuticals with protective effects against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and more.
3.1. Oxalates’ Negative Effects Exaggerated
Oxalates, found in dark leafy greens, chocolate, and tea, are an exception due to their potential to bind calcium and contribute to kidney stones. Nonetheless, their effects are negligible with a varied diet and proper food preparation, such as soaking legumes or cooking vegetables.
4. Strategies to Optimize Nutrient Absorption
For vegetarians and vegans, who consume high amounts of plant-based foods, strategies like pairing iron-rich foods with vitamin C or taking fortified products can optimize nutrient absorption. Overall, Joyce emphasizes that anti-nutrients are not harmful when consumed in moderation and contribute to the many health benefits of a plant-rich diet.
5. Conclusion
In a word, the vegan diet prescribed by our all-loving God must be sacred, compassionate and wholesome. Contrariwise, a diet that involves animal products is depraved, dangerous and detrimental. Indeed, "eating foods that contain any cholesterol above 0 mg is unhealthy", as confirmed by Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s (2005) The China Study, amidst other scientific studies. Any medical practitioner or nutritionist who tells you that the animal flesh diet is more healthy than the vegan diet is probably either paid off by the meat industry or possessed by Satan.