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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Will HK Separatists & Western Reporters Covering them be Extradited to China?By Chapman Chen

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam publicized her report on the Hong Kong National Party to Beijing yesterday, which cites the Security Secretary's reasons for banning the pro-independence party, including that it allegedly propagated hatred toward Mainland people and advocated their extinction on Hong Kong soil. Meanwhile, the offense 'Incitement to commit genocide' in the Fugitive Offender Ordinance is mistranslated as "incitement to commit ethnic-cleansing" in the Chinese version, which would make it broad enough to implicate Hong Kong separatists, as many Hongkongers suspect. And certain China laws have extra-territorial effect, e.g., that against secession. So not only HK separatists like Andy Chan, convener of HKNP, but also any Western journalist or scholar reporting or researching about Hong Kong independence anywhere in the world, say, Washington D.C. or Paris, may be accused by Beijing of inciting HK people to commit secession or of incitement to commit ethnic-cleansing. And once the extradition law amendment is passed, whenever they set foot on HK, they may be transferred to China for trial.

In fact, Victor Mallet, former VP of Foreign Correspondents' Club, HK, was expelled from HK last year after hosting a talk by Andy Chan.

Text by Chapman Chen, HKBNews

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