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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Will the Hong Kong Police Round up the Usual Suspects after the Mass Rally contra Extradition Law?

Gist: On the early morning of today (2019-6-10), a few hundred Hong Kong protesters sat in outside the Legislative Council, got beaten up and pepper-sprayed by the police, and clashed with them, after the HK Government refused to listen to the voice of one million Hongkongers, who took part in the 2016-6-9 mass rally against the HK extradition law. A number of protesters were arrested on the spot. Looks like a 2019 replica of the 2016 Mongkok police-civilian clash, which resulted in the arrest of around 100 suspects and imprisonment of more than 31 activists. In the coming few days, the police may "round up the usual suspects" and arrest, for "inciting riots", pro-independence leaders like Baggio Leung, Tony Chung, Joe Yeung, and Paladin Cheng, who may become new versions of Edward Leung or Ray Wong. (Wayne Chan from HK Independence Union is also arrested.) They may even be sent to China when the extradition bill is passed. A safe, non-incriminating but effective way is the four strikes (church-goers', students', workers', and shopkeepers' strikes) as proposed by a Christian group, Apostlemedia, on June 4. This way is effective, safe and non-incriminating, but the pan-democracy political leaders would not call upon the Hong Kong public to do it.

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HK Govt Refused to Hear the People Sing

Yesterday (2019-6-9), where one million Hongkongers hit the streets, protesting against the Hong Kong Extradition Law as proposed by the Hong Kong Government, which could be used to extradite to #CommunistChina anyone who set foot on HK, Americans, #Canadians, Australians, Europeans and #Hongkongers alike. In the evening, The Hong Kong authorities responded by saying they will submit the extradition bill to the Legislative council on June 12 all the same. Demosisto and two pro-independence groups then StudentLocalism and Hong Kong Independence Union respectively called upon Hongkongers to sit in peacefully in the demonstration zone outside the Legislative Council, though the latter two groups did not rule out the possibility of defending themselves with reasonable force if treated violently by the police.

Police's Brutal Clearing

On the early morning of June 10, the police brutally tried to dispel the protesters and even reporters with batons and pepper spray. Subsequently, the protesters clashed with the police. A lot of protestors were beaten up, injured and arrested while a small number of police officers were also allegedly injured.

A Remake of 2016 Mongkok Clash

This clash seems to be a remake of the 2016 Lunar New Year Mongkok police-civilian clash which was also caused by the police repeatedly provoking and attacking protesters. In the coming few days, the police may "round up the usual suspects" and arrest leaders of pro-independence groups like Wayne Chan (HK Independence Union), Tony Chung (Studentlocalism), Baggio Leung (HK National Front), and Paladin Cheng, and charge them with inciting riots. They may become yet another Edward Leung or Ray Wong (both from HK Indigenous).

A Safe but Effective Way of Resistance

Apart from valiant resistance, another way to make this government listen is the four strikes (church-goers', students', workers', and shopkeepers' strikes) as proposed by Apostlemedia on June 4. This way is at the same time effective, safe and non-incriminating, but the pan-democracy political leaders would not call upon the Hong Kong public to do it.

Military Strategists' View about the Site

Many military strategy analysts think that it is not a good idea to start a revolt in the Admiralty, where the HK Legco is located, for the area is too open and unsheltered. Mongkok, according to them, is more appropriate for there are a number of lanes and small streets and old buildings.

Chapman Chen, HKBNews

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