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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

Wuhan Coronavirus=Bat SARS-like Coronavirus=Biological Warfare Launched by China acc. NCBI, USA?

Updated: Jan 31, 2020

Summary: The possibility of bats transmitting coronavirus to humans is almost nil. But Wuhan's new pneumonia virus is identical to Bat SARS-like coronavirus w.r.t envelope protein, based on NCBI's BLAST (Diagram 1). So the bat virus must have undergone genetic alteration. As it is almost impossible for envelope protein to remain intact after natural mutation, the only explanation left is artificial DNA modification, possibly by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which since 2007 has collected samples from thousands of bats across the country and done genetic experiments with them. It is suspected that China has intended to use this virus to launch a biological warfare attack on anti-CCP Hongkongers, and to destroy the USA and the free world in general. However, something went wrong in the process and the deadly virus escaped while still on the Mainland, as a result of which the culprit reaps what it sows.

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Wuhan pneumonia virus ≡ Bat SARS-like coronavirus

Head of fauna at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Dr. Gary Ades (2020), an expert in bat ecology, is adamant that the possibility of bats transmitting their coronavirus to humans is close to zero. But Wuhan's novel coronavirus is capable of transmission between humans. And the envelope protein of Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus (QHD43418.1) & that of Bat SARS-like coronavirus (AVP78033.1) are 100% identical, based on the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine). NCBI itself (note 1) has noted the close connection between the 2 viruses. It follows that the bat virus has undergone genetic change (either artificial or natural). Yet it is almost impossible for envelope protein to remain unaltered after natural mutation. So the only explanation left is artificial genetic modification.

Wuhan P4 lab to Research Most Dangerous Pathogens

It was after the 2003 SARS that China began to plan the building of the Wuhan bio-safety level four (BSL-4) laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) or the Wuhan P4 lab in the Jiangxia district of the city, and the lab was inaugurated in 2018. According to CAS itself, the lab was built precisely to look into the most dangerous pathogens like the novel Coronavirus and conduct research on them. Towards the end of 2019, the mystery virus first popped up in Wuhan.

Bat Virus Sequence Uploaded to NCBI by China Military

Bat SARS-like coronavirus is a virus isolated from Zhoushun bats and DNA-modified by the China Military so that it can be spread between humans. Its sequence alignment in 2018 was uploaded to NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine) by Institute of Military Medicine Nanjing Command.

Corona Virus as a Biological Weapon

It is thus suspected that China has intended to use this virus as a biological weapon to genocidally wipe out true Hongkongers, who started the Anti-Extradition Law Movement or HK Time Revolution in June last year, and to attack the United States and the free world in general. However, something went wrong in the process and the deadly virus escaped as a result of which China reaps what it sows.

Indeed, the SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times, notes Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey. Tim Trevan, founder of CHROME Biosafety and Biosecurity Consulting in Damascus, Maryland, said that an open culture is important to keeping BSL-4 labs safe, and he questions how easy this will be in Communist China.

The Wuhan lab is also equipped for animal research. Studying the behavior of a virus like 209-nCoV and developing treatments or vaccines for it requires infecting these research monkeys, an important step before human testing. Monkeys are unpredictable though, warned Ebright. 'They can run, they can scratch they can bite,' he said, and the viruses they carry would go where their feet, nails and teeth do. (note 2)

Wuhan P4 lab's Done Researches on Bat Virus

In fact, the Wuhan P4 lab has carried out a lot of researches on bat coronavirus. Most significantly, around 2007, a team led by Shi Zheng-Li and Cui Jie of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China sampled thousands of horseshoe bats in locations across the country (note 3). After finding a particular cave in Yunnan, southwestern China, in which the strains of coronavirus looked similar to human versions (notes 4, 5), the researchers spent five years monitoring the bats that lived there, collecting fresh guano and taking anal swabs (note 6). They sequenced the genomes of 15 viral strains from the bats and found that, taken together, the strains contain all the genetic pieces that make up the human version.

Staff from Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2017 also published an article entitled "Novel bat adenoviruses with low G+C content shed new light on the evolution of adenoviruses" (J Gen Virol. 2017 Apr;98(4):739-748). In a 2019 research, staff from the same institute even synthesized genetic isolates from bats from different countries and inserted the resulting product into into pUC57 vector ("Rapid and Specific Detection of All Known Nipah virus Strains’ Sequences With Reverse Transcription-Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification" Front Microbiol. 2019; 10: 418).

Death Toll on the Rise

The death toll from the Wuhan coronavirus has risen to 25, with 830 infected, as dozens more cases were reported across China and as far afield as the western United States, sparking fears of a possible pandemic.

Wuhan's new pneumonia virus is identical to Bat SARS-like coronavirus w.r.t envelope protein, based on NCBI's BLAST (Diagram 1)

Note 3. Cui, J. et al. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 13, 1526–1532 (2007).

Note 4. Ge, X. Y. et al. Nature 503, 535-538 (2013).

Note 5.Yang, X.-L. et al. J. Virol. 90, 3253-3256 (2016).

Note 6. Hu, B. et al. PLoS Pathog. 13, e1006698 (2017).

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