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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

種族清洗,兒童都不放過?Ethnic Cleansing of Hongkongers, Incl.Kids? By Chapman Chen, HKBNews

種族清洗,男女老幼,孕婦兒童,全不放過! 七月二十八日晚約十一點,香港西區及上環,警方襲擊示威者及路過市民。上環文華里有男童回家途中遭催淚彈波及,須救護員及示威者救助。(上周日,元朗西鐵站外,有白RTHK影到香港警察同持械白衫暴徒拍哂膊頭,白衫暴徒在西鐵站內外無差別打香港市民,包括一位孕婦。)

On July 28 evening, around 11 pm, when the Hong Kong Police were attacking protesters and passers-by, a little boy, who happened to walk past Man Wa Lane, Sheung Wan on his way home, was affected by tear gas used by the Police, and had to be helped by ambulancemen and protesters.


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