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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

美國參議員Ted Cruz話:舐中共屎窟好樣衰!Sen. Ted Cruz: Kissing up to Chinese Commies is a Bad Look! Tr. Chapman Chen

談到NBA球星LeBron James譴責經理Daryl Morey撐港推文,美國德薩斯州參議員Ted Cruz話:「舐中共、獨裁者屎窟,幫殺人兇手講說話,好樣衰!」(Trans. Chapman Chen, HKBNews)

Slamming NBA star LeBron James' repeated condemnation of Daryl Morey's pro-Hong Kong tweet, Senator Ted Cruz from Texas says, "kissing up to Chinese communists and tyrants and apologizing for murderers, that's not a good look."

Source: TMZ Sports

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