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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

美國太平洋艦隊上尉主張出兵撐香港人!USN Ret. Capt. James Fanell: Hongkongers are NOT Alone! By Chapman Chen, HKBNews

(U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class David Kolmel/RELEASED)

美國太平洋艦隊前情報副參謀長James Fanell上尉六月十二日電郵:關鍵時刻到了:一係習總出解放軍,一係中共就係紙老虎。我們應該派列根航空母艦隊同JMSDF出雲特遣部隊到香港,同時出兵震懾菲律賓海的中國海軍。北京應明解自己在香港和菲律賓海面臨的真正風險。而且,香港人應知自己並不孤單。不自由,毋寧死! 

James Fanell上尉一四年指出中國可能突襲日本,因而被奧巴馬撤去情報副參謀長一職。

Today's email on Hong Kong, from the former Director of Intelligence, US Pacific Fleet:

"This is the decisive point...either Xi brings in the PAP/PLA or the CCP is a proven paper tiger. We should move the Reagan Carrier Strike Group and JMSDF Izumo Task Force towards Hong Kong while simultaneously sending forces to shadow the PLAN’s first aircraft carrier strike group in the a Philippine Sea. Beijing should understand the very real risk they face in HK and the Philippine Sea. AND, the people of Hong Kong should know they are NOT alone. Live free or die, Kimo" (Email from Capt. James Fanell, USN Ret., 12 June 2019)

(U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class David Kolmel/RELEASED)

Source: Anders Corr (2019)

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Jun 13, 2019


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