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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

美國對沖基金聖手:八月廿三美國二次獨立,獨立於中共!Kyle Bass: Aug 23 is US Independence Day from the CCP! By Chapman Chen

美國對沖基金聖手巴斯Kyle Bass八月廿五號推特貼文:

「特朗普總統周五(八月廿三號)終於承認中共係我們的敵人,美國如今有二次獨立日。 八月廿三號而今係美國獨立日,獨立於中國共產黨。」


Kyle Bass tweeted on Aug 25: "With the President’s final acknowledgment of china’s communist party as our ENEMY on Friday, the United States now has a second Independence Day. August 23rd is now the US Independence Day from the CCP."

President Donald Trump tweeted on Aug. 23: “My only question is, who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powel (sic) or Chairman Xi?” The president’s fury and explosive comparison came after Powell did not explicitly forecast that the central bank would start a campaign of aggressive interest rate cuts and as China announced another round of tariffs against $75 billion in U.S. goods.

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