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  • Writer's pictureChapman Chen

美國議員要中共為鎮壓香港付出代價 Rep Mike Gallagher Wants CCP to Pay for Brutalizing Hongkongers. By Chapman Chen

美國威斯康辛州共和黨眾議員Mike Gallagher八月十三見香港女救護員八月十一被克警打盲眼的相片,在推特出貼文:「夠啦! 如今應麥列斯基制裁港澳辦張曉明。 中共必須為這種暴行直接付出代價。」

全球麥列斯基人權問責法(The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act),授權美國政府對違反人權及國外顯著腐敗人士實施制裁,例如禁止入境、凍結並禁止官員在美國的財產交易。

U.S.A. Congressman from Wisconsin and Marine Corps veteran, Mike Gallagher, upon seeing the pic of a Hong Kong paramedic blinded by HK cops, tweeted on Aug 13, "Enough is enough. It’s time to impose Magnitsky sanctions on Zhang Xiaoming of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office. The CCP must face direct costs for this brutality."

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Aug 14, 2019

thanks for your comments on communist hong kong.

We need all the help from the U.S. Senate and Congress we can get. I am a US military veteran and Pastor living in communist hong kong for 25 years. - Pastor Bob Kraft

communism is evil.

#FreeHongKong #SayNoToCommunistChina #Freedom #Liberty #FreedomWall #JesusSaves — in Hong Kong

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